HR & Project Beauty
HR specialists can design surprising and inspiring interventions with Project Beauty. These are mainly in the field of inspiring and connecting employees, getting a picture of what drives employees, and finding a fascinating story for an employee event.
All of Project Beauty’s contributions to the HRM policy of the organization start with the characteristic broad idea of beauty as it is central to Project Beauty.
SDG3: Well-being

All gift products and intervention services of Project Beauty are in line with the Well-being part of the 3rd UN Sustainable Development Goal.

Connect & motivate
Encourage conversations and reflections about what makes life worth living. Use the qualitative output of Project Beauty in shared spaces and in discussion to show what unites employees.

Focus on employees
Get to know employees and customers in a very different way: learn what moves them. Ask questions that empower, connect and motivate. Our questions offers a completely new look at employee insights.

Stories about beauty
Beauty is a wonderful but also complex phenomenon. We are happy to tell you all about the knowledge that has been gained within Project Beauty over the years about the experience of beauty.
Thoughts on Beauty

Read more about beauty in organisations in our blog section ‘Thoughts’ >>>.