‘ This makes me happy! ‘
What does beauty mean to you? Stop and answer this question for yourself. Our intriguing questions help you to give shape to the abstract concept of beauty. And what’s nice: answering the questions is a special experience in itself.
Just filling out the questionnaire makes people happy. Because thinking about beauty makes you aware and makes you enjoy all the beautiful things around you more. That’s good for your mood. That gives the day a silver lining.
Beauty & happiness
But does beauty also make you happy? Sometimes, but not always. We have now asked this question to more than 12,000 people in eight countries, and guess what: the answer depends on what you mean by beauty. There are many forms of beauty, and what kind of beauty is important to you depends on who you are and how you feel.

Your view of beauty
Curious to find out what beauty means to you? Take a moment to stop and think about what really matters to you. Go to the questions and look for your own answers
English version. Other language versions available in specific country sections.
12.000 views on Beauty
Project Beauty is a social start-up. We aim to increase awareness about the social impact of the phenomenon of ‘beauty’ in general and about the personal experience of it in particular. We do this by presenting a series of intriguing questions about beauty. These questions help you reflect on your personal experiences with beauty and sharpen your view.
Since the start of Project Beauty in 2008 these questions have also been used in numerous country representative surveys.

‘Seeking Beauty’ gifts
Shop intriguing books and e-books, based on the outcomes of Project Beauty in your country. Find out how the inhabitants of the United States, the UK, Ireland, Germany or any other country where Project Beauty is active think and feel about beauty. All ‘Seeking Beauty’ books contain a wealth of weblinks to online content, based on the country specific outcomes.

Go to your country website and visit the local Project Beauty bookshop.
Your country
Project Beauty has so far been conducted on a national representative scale in seven countries. In several other countries projects are being prepared or even planned. Click the flag of your country to go to your national Project Beauty pages.
Visited countries
Planned countries
Over the years Project Beauty exists, the data that has been gathered has led to a number if interesting insight about beauty. Based on these findings a number of articles were written about the way beauty influences society, organisations and our personal life.


In our tri-annual newsletter ‘Moves’ we will share news with you about fresh outcomes of new country surveys, publications and articles on beauty, free downloads, and about further developments of Project Beauty.
Click here to register and subscribe to the newsletter ‘Moves’.
“Beauty is a symbol of morality.”
Emmanuel Kant